Fresh Womankind

Let's Talk Eyebrows!

      Okay ladies, everyone always wants to know how to do a neat, clean, arched eyebrow. First we have to start off with the absolute DONT'S! For Example: Thick eyebrows are a BIG NO, NO, NO! The trick to not making your eyebrows so thick is to follow your brow line. Another big NO, NO are thin eyebrows. or the eyebrows that start with a hook. Ohh THOSE eyebrows drive me CRAZY!! I have shown an example of an eyebrow DON'T! (Below)


Now I know most people use an eyebrow razor before filling in their eyebrows. I personally have thin eyebrows naturally, so I probably razor my eyebrows once ever week or so. I just touch up underneath my brow line in between my waxing appointments. Okay ladies, lets get down to business! My eyebrow tools are actually very simple. 

  1. I like Milani's eyebrow kit and eyebrow pencil. Milani's brow pencil has the brow brush attached so it makes it very convenient. Plus I love the fact that Milani can be purchased at one of my favorite stores, TARGET. :) Now my concealer choice is Smashbox, which can be found at Ulta. ( Then of course I have a concealer brush and an angled brush BOTH items are ESSENTIAL when filling in your eyebrows.

2. Alrighty ladies here is my bare brow!                                                         

3. Using my Milani brow pencil, I line my pencil to the side of my nose and then I mark where my brow starts, so I know exactly where to start my line. Still using my Milani brow pencil, I then proceed to draw the line in the way I want my arch to look like.

4. Then I use my angled brush and Milani brow kit, now Milani has two different types of brow kits. One is light and the other is brown (the titles are on the back of the kit). I personally use the "brown" eyebrow kit because the eye powder is darker in that kit. Which suits my needs. I use the lighter eye powder inside the kit depending on the color of my hair. When my hair is darker I tend to mix the two.


 5. Using my angled brush, I gently fill my eyebrows in by brushing them towards my ear.
6. Then I take my Smashbox concealer, using my concealer brush I coat my brush with the Smashbox concealer. I like Smashbox because it is only a shade lighter than my complexion and doesn't look like I used butter to highlight my eyebrows! lol

7. I then line my concealer pencil aside my nose as I did with my brow pencil. I then glide across my brow line in the way I want my arch to look. :)

8. After I have lined my under brow, I line my top and close down the middle as shown in the above left picture. Now the KEY step that SOO MANY ladies forget.... is BLENDING. It is essential to completing the look. You want a clean crsip look, but you still want it to look as natural as possible.

9. Then PRESTO!! You've got perfectly arched eyebrows! I hope I helped!

"Be great, Be fierce, Be a Fresh Womankind!"



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