1. Go SLOW- Be patient, women main problem is they see something good and go for it all at once. Acting on emotions; which can cause a lot of heartache, and can cause us to lose control of situations. Instead, take time out to figure out is this GOOD? Can I BUILD something worthy with this man? Is he worth investing my time, effort, energy, ect into? Often times we women get so caught up in " the moment" because we want a significant other so badly. I read once, a lady saw a snake dying on the side of the road. She picked him up took him home and nursed him back to health. He later bit her and with his poisonous venom she began to die. On her death bed she asked the snake " After all I've done for you, why did you turn and bit me?" His reply: " I'm still a snake." So I said that to say no matter how badly you want to make something work, or you ignore the RED FLAGS. That pop up every now and then...a snake will still be a snake and it will stay true to its true self. Well ladies, it's late but I wanted to make sure I posted this tonight. I will finish part two tomorrow.
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